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Think you're pretty handy eh? This kit is a savvy way to get quality teeth whitening results using the Social Six solution.

Thermoform trays provided in this kit are gently moulded to your teeth to allow you to achieve fab whitening results for a fraction of the cost. 

  • Social Six Prime Time Tooth Primer
  • 2 x Whitening Pens (16 % Carbamide Peroxide) 
  • Premium Shade Guide
  • After Party Gel 
  • Booster Pen (6% Hydrogen Peroxide) 
  • Vitamin E 
  • Storage box
  • Step-by-step guide

Alternatively, you can opt for our Custom Brightening Kit using dental putty to take impressions of your teeth to have custom dental grade whitening trays made.

Brightening with Social Six is easy-as. Each kit includes a step-by-step instruction card, but also watch our quick 'how-to' reels for a demo: 


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