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Welcome to Social Six

As a dental professional, I have been providing quality care for almost a decade. There is a common treatment that I am asked about time after time: whitening teeth.

My patients commonly reveal the number one thing they would like to improve about their mouth is the colour of their teeth, and as a result my experience and day to day clinical practice has lead me here.

'Social Six’ is the name I give to the front six teeth revealed when a person smiles. These six teeth play an integral role in creating an attractive bright smile that helps bring balance to the face.

Tooth whitening with Social Six is a minimally invasive and simple way to boost your confidence without compromising on ease of use or quality.

I am passionate about quality products that look good and do what they say they will. I believe consumers need whitening products that are not only easy-to-use, but also predictable, affordable and most importantly of the highest quality.

Whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you. Social Six's at-home treatment kit options and products are made to suit various lifestyles, habits, expectations and budgets. This is why we offer whitening options that can be tailored get your best results!

With a smile,

In-chair whitening coming soon...

Once you have your Social Six custom whitening kit, your future whitening treatments and maintenance should only require refill gels or in-chair treatments (coming soon).

Know of a salon or boutique who might be interesting in having me provide tailored in-chair whitening for their customers?
Email me at for more information.