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Why 'Social Six'?

'Social Six’ is the name I give to the front six teeth revealed when a person smiles. These six teeth play an integral role in creating an attractive white smile that helps bring balance to the face.

Why choose Social Six for teeth whitening?

At Social Six, our products are proudly made both here in Australia and the USA by reputable manufacturers using high-quality and safe whitening agents - that actually work!

Social media platforms have led to more people experimenting with home remedies to whiten their teeth. Unfortunately, most of these whitening products are made in countries with minimal regulations surrounding teeth whitening ingredients by manufacturers with limited dental experience. This has resulted in cheaply made solutions containing sugars, acids and/or powerful abrasives which can lead to irreversible tooth damage.

At best, they are weak formulas that can only treat mild surface stains - using sodium bicarbonate as the “active” whitening ingredient. At worst, these products contain strong chemicals that can cause damage to gums and teeth as well as leading to ongoing sensitivity and/or chemical burns.

Where are S6 products made?

Our products are proudly made both here in Australia and the USA by reputable manufacturers using high-quality and safe whitening agents - that actually work!

What are your products made of?

We predominantly use Carbamide Peroxide as our primary whitening ingredient because it is a compound that is safer and most comfortable to use on teeth over the course of your at home treatment. We then rely on Hydrogen Peroxide to boost whitening in between treatments for a safer way to maintain brightness and the health of your teeth. Often there is far less sensitivity associated with repetitive use of Carbamide Peroxide products - just one of the many ways we have your tooth health at heart.

What makes your whitening kits safer?

We predominantly use Carbamide Peroxide as our primary whitening ingredient because it is a compound that is safer and most comfortable to use on teeth over the course of your at home treatment. We then rely on Hydrogen Peroxide to boost whitening in between treatments for a safer way to maintain brightness and the health of your teeth. Often there is far less sensitivity associated with repetitive use of Carbamide Peroxide products - just one of the many ways we have your tooth health at heart.

What are the benefits of a 'whitening pen'?

Our whitening kits contain simple to use teeth whitening pens that allow you to apply the gel directly onto your teeth. The pen application means there’s no gel wastage or mess, and allows you to evenly coat your teeth to get the best result.

How does it work? Give me the science.

The products we use to brighten teeth contain either Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide. The peroxide diffuses through the tooth surface, breaks down into oxygen molecules to break down stains within the tooth. The stronger the peroxide content, generally, the faster and more effectively this will happen. We prefer using Carbamide Peroxide for our at home treatments as it is the most gentle way of achieving results, often with little to no sensitivity.

How do I make my results last as long as possible?

The best way to keep teeth white is to firstly keep them clean. It is so important to maintain a high level of oral hygiene at home as well as professional cleans performed 6 months. Things to avoid include frequent consumption of tobacco, beverages such as red wine, tea and coffee, highly pigmented foods such as blueberries and turmeric etc.

Is there anything to stop me whitening my teeth?

Here at Social Six, we believe a healthy mouth is the beginning to an improved smile. There are multiple causes of tooth discolouration, and not all of which will be improved by whitening procedures. It is best to have a dental assessment to rule out decayed or infected teeth as well as enamel defects that will not respond to our whitening gels. Do not perform tooth whitening if you are under the age of 14 or if you have a history of chemical allergies - you are advised to carry out allergy testing by a specialist before using these products. All home treatments have risks involved and you should consult your dental professional if you are unsure if this kit is for you.

Can I whiten my smile if I am pregnant?

While no studies have been conducted on potential risks for pregnant women, it is not recommended to use tooth whitening products during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

What should I do in the lead up to whitening my teeth?

It is highly recommended to have a dental check up to confirm your teeth and mouth are health before beginning to whiten your smile. The use of a desensitising toothpaste twice daily for 2 weeks in the lead up to commencing whitening can limit and possible sensitivity. Remember to spit out the excess toothpaste but don’t rinse it away with water!

How do I manage any tooth sensitivity?

Slight tooth sensitivity or gum irritation may be experienced and will disappear within a few days of: 1. Applying desensitising pastes such as Sensodyne directly to teeth (do not rinse off, just spit out excess) or use in whitening trays overnight. 2. Discontinuing use. 3. Decreasing the time that you bleach your teeth for. 4. Increasing the amount of time in between whitening sessions.

Your top whitening tip?

A good rule of thumb to see if you would benefit from whitening is that the most natural look is when the colour of your teeth matches the sclera (whites) of your eyes!

What is the average cost of in-clinic dental whitening?

Average price of in office procedures in Australia is $350- $950.